Base Admin
The base admin class found at starlette_admin.admin.BaseAdmin
is a class
used that all entities you need to add to the admin site will need to inherit from.
It contains all the required attributes and methods required, such as list, create, edit, delete views as well as the templates used and routing.
Here is an example of one that stores people in memory only.
from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException
from starlette_admin.admin import BaseAdmin
from wtforms import fields, form, validators
# the person object
class Person(dict):
def __str__(self):
# all objects should have a string method to reference
# them in templates like {{ object }}
return self["name"]
# create a list of people
people = [
Person({"id": id, "name": f"Person {id}"})
for id in range(1, 10)
# create a form to validate the data and to use in the
# create and edit views
class PersonForm(form.Form):
name = fields.TextField(validators=[validators.required()])
# define the person admin
class PersonAdmin(BaseAdmin):
section_name = "General"
collection_name = "People"
routing_id_part = "{id:int}"
list_field_names = ["name"]
paginate_by = 10
order_enabled = True
search_enabled = True
create_form = PersonForm
update_form = PersonForm
delete_form = form.Form
# all the below methods are already defined in the base admin class
# and will raise exceptions of not completed
def get_list_objects(cls, request):
""" this is used to get the main list results.
in the base admin class it is responsible from sorting and filtering
the results.
The list view itself will paginate the results if cls.paginate_by
has a value """
list_people = people
# very basic search example
search = request.query_params.get("search", "").strip().lower()
if search:
list_people = list(
lambda obj: search in obj["name"].lower(),
# sort the results
order_by = request.query_params.get("order_by", "name")
order_direction = request.query_params.get("order_direction", "asc")
list_people = sorted(
key=lambda k: k[order_by],
return list_people
def get_object(cls, request):
""" get the id from the url and fint the person,
raise a 404 if not found. this will be used
to feed the edit and delete views """
id = int(request.path_params["id"])
return next(o for o in people if o["id"] == id)
except StopIteration:
raise HTTPException(404)
async def do_create(cls, form, request):
""" with the cleaned form and the request we can
create our new person and add them to the people """
next_id = people[-1]["id"] + 1 if people else 1
new_person = Person(
new_person["id"] = next_id
async def do_update(cls, instance, form, request):
""" here it includes an instance which is what the
edit view got from get_object above. we update it and
replace the person in people """
index = people.index(instance)
for k, v in
instance[k] = v
people[index] = instance
async def do_delete(cls, instance, form, request):
""" remove the person from people """
index = people.index(instance)
Registering the Admin
Once created register the admin on the admin site.
adminsite = AdminSite(name="admin")