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Email support is provided by default. It is built to use backend strategies which are used to process the email.

Sending the email

The send_message takes an instance of email.message.EmailMessage. See docs..

To send an email:

from email.message import EmailMessage
from starlette_core.mail import send_message

msg = EmailMessage()

msg["Subject"] = "Subject"
msg["From"] = "From <>"
msg["To"] = "To <>"

    Dear To,

    This is the email contents.




Details of the different email backends are provided below.

SMTP backend

The starlette_core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend (which is the default). This will send an email using Python's base email modules.

This does require several default configuration options. See docs.

Console backend

The starlette_core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend can be used to simulate sending an email. This simply prints the contents of the email to sys.stdout. This is useful when developing locally.